Johnny Depp earns €3.6 Million by Selling his Artwork

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Johnny Depp wrecked the internet again last thursday after announcing his artwork collection was going on sale. The sale started early in the morning and barely a few hours later the entire collection was sold out.

Johnny Depp signing one of his phyisical artworks

Depp’s first foray into art’s market has been possible thanks to Castle Fine Art, a network of UK galleries, whose website holded the sale of a first batch of physical art pieces. Castle Fine Art has confirmed that this has been the fastest-selling collection in its entire history as an art gallery. With this portrait collection named “Friends & Heroes”, Depp has managed to collect more than 3 million pounds (almost 3.6 million euros).

Never Fear Truth

The artwork Depp has debuted with is formed by four well-known characters portraits: Bob Dylan, Elizabeth Taylor, Al Pacino and Keith Richards. These paintings are part of his Never Fear Truth collection that was first released as NFTs (Non-Fungible Token). These are unique, indivisible digital files. These digital files are uniquely identifiable and transferable assets (Wikipedia). Translated into art’s world, NFTs are digital artworks with an authenticity seal that nowadays are generating a huge money traffic on the internet.

Johnny Depp with his portrait collection at Castle Galleries

Depp unveiled his full art collection last year by a platform named Never Fear Truth. The Discord channel associated to this campaign, through which Johnny and his staff informed about any news and even interacted with followers, got to make the servers fall when they reached more than 70.000 users during the first days after launching it.

The collection includes other portraits of Hunter S. Thompson, Heath Ledger, Tim Burton or even his own daughter Lily-Rose Depp, all of them from Depp’s brush perspective. For now only four of them have gone on sale on physical format, although we may see some more on the market pretty soon.

Painting, one of his first passions

The British gallery’s website describes, alongside with the exposed artwork, Depp’s origins in art, as well as the reasons that led him to expose his paintings: “For Johnny Depp there has always been art. Before acting, and before music, art has always been an important outlet for his creativity”.

“Each image is an intimate reflection of their character in Johnny’s eyes; a portrayal of how they have revealed themselves to him”, we can read on the website.

Johnny Depp and his humanitarian nature

Since his first steps as a public figure and until now, Johnny Depp hasn’t stopped visiting children’s hospitals periodically, always dressed up as captain Jack Sparrow, his most famous fictional character. They’re often actions prepared under secrecy, attending by surprise in order to avoid press at the hospitals entrance.

In the same way, Depp has made numerous and large donations to this entities. His last contribution was made after the trial’s veredict against his ex-wife. Depp donated $800.000 from his NFT sale benefits, precisely to those organisations Ms. Heard pledge a money to that never arrived.

Therefore, it seems like those £3 million raised with the recent selling of his artwork, or at least most of it, will go to charity, probably to something related to children’s health, a charitable cause with which Depp feels linked. We’ll keep in touch for any news related.

So were you shocked to see how fast his entire collection got sold out? What charitable cause would you like Johnny to invest his earnings in? Tell us in the comments below:


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