Depphead Community Rules

Basic Rules for the Fanclub Members

  • The first and most important requirement is being a fan of Johnny Depp. You don’t need to know all of his movies or his songs. You don’t need to know everything about him. This is a community for learning and knowing more about the artist that we admire.
  • In order to register you must fill the inscription form correctly, accepting the Terms and Conditions, as well as the rules specified here.
  • Following at least one of our social media main accounts (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook). We may ask you what is your user name in order to corroborate it.
  • Being respectful towards the other members of the Club in order to have a good coexistence, respecting the role or the status of each one of them. Physical or verbal agressions and degrading or discriminatory messages (whoever the recipient is, inside or outside this community) are strictly prohibited. Members who break this rule will be immediately expelled from the Club.
  • Participating actively in at least 10% of the activities that we make every year, whether they are sweepstakes, giveaways, physical or virtual conventions, talks, etc. Members who, in the opinion of the Staff, have lost interest for the Fanclub, for the activities promoted by it or for Johnny Depp, will be withdrawn or suspended, being informed in advance.
  • Reporting immediately any rules breaching situation to the Staff, carried out by any member (we will only consider duly proven accusations).
  • Informing the Staff about any change in the registered contact data.
  • Decisions about the info that is published and the activities that are carried out concern exclusively to the Staff.
  • Any member of the Club will be forced under no circumstances to purchase merch or other elements that may be put up for sale.
  • You will be able to cancel your subscription in any moment that you wish by writing us via the contact form that you will find in the Contact section.

And now enjoy exploring the website!

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